It’s FREE* — and the knowledge you gain will make you a better pilot.
* EAA membership is encouraged, but not required.
Once you sign up, you will receive an e-mail each month with a link to join the next monthly meeting.
• Challenging IFR scenarios
• Aviation News (not heard elsewhere!)
• Helpful resources
• 2nd Tuesday of every month, 7pm (Central), via Zoom. Meetings last about an hour and a half.
• We’ll present real-life IFR scenarios, and the primary discussion (and lively debate?) will be: “What would you do?”
• We’ll also discuss aviation news and helpful resources for instrument flying.
• FAASTeam WINGS credit is available.
• There is not a membership requirement — just an interest in becoming a better, safer pilot. And there are NO DUES!
• Pilots from across the US (and a few internationally!) are participating. Please join us!
Information presented The Memphis IMC Club meetings is general in nature. It is not flight instruction. You must always consider your specific situation, refer to the FAA's regulations and publications, check your aircraft’s POH, remember your training, and fly the airplane. As PIC, you are directly responsible and the final authority for the safety of your flight! (14 CFR Part 91, Sec 91.3)